Conservation biology theory makes it clear that humanity and other life forms can coexist if conservation area networks (CANs) are established and adequately maintained over time through appropriate management practices.
Much of the theoretical framework for Conservation biology originated in Australia. This body of thought stressed the need to design and manage conservation area networks (CANs).
Earlier conservation and biodiversity models typically identified rare or endangered species, setting out to preserve the local environments in which these species existed. However, it became clear that simply protecting the "island" habitat was not enough to prevent species' decline and eventual extinction. A more complex model was needed.
Conservation biology recognizes the need for islands of intact habitat to be networked within larger management areas, which include buffer zones and connective corridors. Some areas between the islands allow for human activity - under carefully planned and monitored conditions.
Central to the success of this model is the recognition that humans need to share the earth's resources with each other, as well as other species. Thus the need for a consensual framework: a management model that maximizes benefits for all stakeholders, based on existing environmental conditions and the goal of maintaining, if not improving, CANs for all.
Wayne Sawchuk's work underscores the usefulness of this theory. He works at the local, regional and international levels, including the
Muskwa-Kechika and
Yellowstone to Yukon. He enjoys teaching others what he has learned through his publications, speaking engagements, expedition adventures, and consultation work.