Wayne Sawchuk
PO Box 27
Rolla BC Canada V0C 2G0
phone 1-250-261-1513
In the Land of Dreamers
In this CBC documentary, Wayne and a Dene storyteller take a horseback journey of cultural significance through one of the largest undeveloped, wild and stunning landscapes left on earth, the Muskwa Kechika. Watch the documentary.
Discover the wilderness ethic in Wayne's book
In Crossing The Divide (July 2020), Wayne Sawchuk takes us from his early days as a logger and trapper to his role in creating the largest protected wilderness area in the Rocky Mountains. More information about this new book by Wayne Sawchuk and ordering details are available here.
Experience the Northern Rockies in their magnificent, pristine state
The Muskwa-Kechika Management Area encompasses a vast wilderness in BC's northern Rocky Mountains. Teeming with wildlife, it is a vestige of the continental wilderness that once existed. Wayne Sawchuk has been leading expeditions into the remotest regions of the MK for decades as part of an effort to protect this magnificent area. You can find more information about these expeditions at Muskwa-Kechika Adventures.

... a charismatic speaker... a compelling slide show...
National Geographic Magazine, Nov 2008
PO Box 27, Rolla BC Canada V0C 2G0 · phone 1-250-261-1513 · info@muskwakechika.com